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Python Full Stack Development - Online

Cokonet Academy's Python Full Stack Development Course equips you with essential skills in front-end and back-end development. Learn Python, Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. Gain hands-on experience through projects, preparing you for a dynamic career in full stack development. Ideal for aspiring developers seeking comprehensive, industry-relevant training.

Course Instructor Nikhil Gopalan


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Course Overview

Schedule of Classes

Start Date & End Date

Aug 26 2024 - Oct 26 2024

Course Curriculum

1 Subject

Python Full Stack Development

Introduction to Python

Introduction to Datatypes

Programming Concepts

Functions & Module

Object Oriented Programming

Files and Exception Handling

GUI Development using Tkinter

Introduction to PyQt

Basic widgets & Advanced widgets

OS Module, Network Programming

SQL & SQL Constrains

Database handling with SQL Lite

Firebase Realtime Database




CRUD: Documents

Introduction to Web Designing

Introduction Client-Side Scripting

Documentation Object Model (DOM)

Basic Study of Django Framework

Django Templates and Form Details

Django Admin Customization

Rest Apis & User Authentication

Deploying Django Framework

Selenium IDE

Selenium Web Driver

Unit Testing

Rest API Using Json


React JS


Version Control System (Git & Github)

Git and GitHub

Git Advanced

Git Undo

Pure CSS

Pure.CSS Inputs

Pure.CSS Forms

Pure.CSS Table


Course Instructor

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Nikhil Gopalan

28 Courses   •   545 Students